Technology of the Burrell School
The Elementary schools in Foxborough are dedicated to integrating computer use into the curriculum with the purpose of enriching and enhancing the academic experience.
The Internet
All Internet use by students is supervised. The web is used for academic research and occasionally to display student work on the Foxborough Public Schools website.
Parents are able to opt out of either or both activities in the beginning of the year on the Student Registration Form. The Foxborough Public Schools website can be accessed at:
This site contains general school information, PTO and School Council minutes, and individual classroom documents. Some teachers choose to post homework information, class projects, and other communication.
You can communicate with your child's teacher by e-mail or phone. Contact your teacher for their e-mail address.
Computers in the Classroom
All classrooms have student computers that are used for various academic activities. Kindergarten and grade 1 have two and grades 2-4 have four computers. All teachers have a PC in the classroom for their use.
The Computer Lab
Most intensive computer use occurs in the Library's computer lab. Students in grades 1-4 have 30 minutes of individual technology time scheduled per six day cycle. Students work either individually or with a partner once per cycle in the computer lab.
Following are some examples of projects by grade level high lighting use of the computer.
- Introduction to the computer -Learning mouse control, the keyboard
- Kid Pix - Stamp search, typing their name
- Kidspiration - alphabet letters and pictures
- Kid Pix - Math (problem solving), ELA (vowel sounds)
- Kidspiration - Animal Groupings
- Word - Word processing
- Publisher - Making cards
- Graph Club - Graphing activities
- My First Incredible Dictionary - Maps & Globes, Plants & Animals
- Kid Pix - Math (clocks, number problems)
- Kidspiration - Weather, Animal classification, Story mapping
- Powerpoint - Slide shows, Our Town of Foxboro
- Internet - Author Studies (Marc Brown)
- Word - Poetry writing
- Graph Club - Graphing Activities
- Timeliner
- Study Island
- Powerpoint - American Ancestors, Solar system
- Word - Word processing for writing stories, books and Poetry
- Publisher- Making cards, brochures & booklets (Matter, Dinosaurs)
- Excel - Graphing Tool
- Internet- Research on dinosaurs, volcanoes, pilgrims
- Timeliner
- Timeliner
- Powerpoint - Presentations, booklets (Ancient cultures, weather, math geometry terms)
- Word - Word processing for writing stories, books, and poetry
- Publisher - Making cards, brochures & booklets on curriculum topics (Weather,magnets)
- Excel - Graphing Tool
- Study Island
- Internet - Research